Thomaston Connecticut Rotary Project for Cisterns in Guatemala

Date: April 23rd, 2003 Photos: 7

Water has to be carried for miles to mountain homes. While in Guatemala I came across many communities where water had to be carried for miles as there is no ground water available in the mountains. There is no electricity or deep wells or pumps. It rains a lot but the water runs off. With the help of my host organization, Talita Kumi I was able to get our local Rotary club of Thomaston, CT. to start a project where our club collected $6000 from area clubs and got a matching grant from Rotary International. This money has been sent to Rotary club of Guatemala and Talita Kumi (Fr. George) will be building 50 cisterns for families in a town called San Pedro Tomten.

Carrying water up the mountains Here is a local farmer carrying the water. He stopped to talk to Fr. George.

Cister for collecting water Here is one of many cisterns built by local people for families. The project is conceived and carried out by Fr. George of Talita Kumi

Local people pitch in to build cistern Most of the work is done through cooperation of local residents. They all help one another.

After construction party. Farmers get together to help build community projects or individual family projects. After work the women cook for every one in the church kitchen.

Men enjoy the food after hard work Men eat the food on a make shift dining table in the church.

Another cistern being built People are very grateful to have their own cisterns so they can collect rain water.